Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management (8607-31)

Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management (8607-31)

Level 5 Diploma in Leadership and Management

Who is this qualification for?
This qualification is designed for project managers, department heads, and other practicing's middle managers.  Develop your skills and experience, improve your performance and prepare for senior management responsibilities.

Impact for your employer

Encourage strategic thinking at this level of management, to foster business improvement

Engage middle managers with training and development – this qualification is designed to provide clear, measurable benefits to career-minded professionals

Customise this qualification to your development needs.

Results for you

Use core management techniques to drive better results

Develop your ability to lead, motivate and inspire

Provide strategic leadership as well as day-to-day management

Benchmark your managerial skills

Raise your profile in your organization.


We have three sizes of qualification: certificate, award and diploma in increasing order of size

Qualification level
Credit Value

The range of credits a learner must undertake to gain this qualification

37 -

Details of the qualification, learning time involved and criteria a learner must satisfy

The qualification is structured into two groups. At least 2 hours of induction and at least 7 hours of tutorial support are required. There are no mandatory units and a wide range of optional units. Learners must attain a minimum of 37 credits and to achieve this qualification

Specification I PDF